To achieve success in the digital marketing strategies of your tourism business, escape from the 7 common mistakes that tourism businesses make on the internet
Finding the path to success for a business on the internet is no easy task. Because it is so broad and diverse, the online environment offers a number of challenges for those who want to stand out among the others.
And for tourist destinations, hotels, services, and travel agencies this scenario is no different. Therefore, you need to be careful not to fail when advertising your tourism business.
Next, we will explain how not to make a mistake in the digital marketing of tourism companies.
Check Out 7 Common Mistakes That Tourism Companies Make on The Internet

To help you avoid repeating the common mistakes that tourism companies make on the Internet, we will list them below. Learn how to avoid them by applying the best digital marketing practices to get your tourism business off the ground.
1 – Not Defining the Persona
Among the digital marketing mistakes made by tourism companies, the main one is not defining the target audience that will work before starting the outreach campaigns.
In marketing, this audience is known as a persona, a fictional figure that represents the potential customer that the company seeks to reach. In the case of tourism companies, the persona is the traveler to whom the service is directed.
No digital marketing action will be efficient without defining the persona you want to reach. Therefore, the first step in marketing planning is to define the persona.
2 – Not Segmenting Communication
Your tourism company can work with one or several personas. In either case, all communication must be directed and segmented to the target audience that will work.
However, among the most common mistakes made by tourism companies is the elaboration of mass digital marketing campaigns without considering the segmentation of the public.
There is no point in focusing on the dissemination of travel packages of a radical destination if your persona is families with children, for example. Just as you won’t get a return if you advertise your luxury hotel to travelers with a restricted travel budget.
3 – Basing Strategies on Hunches
Every digital marketing strategy must be based on data to achieve the best results. Working on “hunches” is one of the worst mistakes tourism companies can make when advertising their services.
The chances of losing investments and working too hard without attracting sales grow considerably when you do not base your actions on concise and detailed information.
In fact, using data on the audience, market, and trends is one of the digital marketing strategies that make it much easier to obtain positive results.
4 – Not Understanding the Traveler’s Buying Journey
Still about not relying on data for marketing strategies, another consequence is not understanding the traveler’s buying journey and therefore distancing yourself from it.
What does this mean? If you do not study your target audience, you do not know how they behave, where they look for information, and how they finalize the purchase of tourism services. Therefore, you don’t know where best to position your tourism company to reach them.
In other words, you may waste time advertising your business in channels where your target audience is not. Therefore, you need to know your persona’s buying journey to help them find your tourism company along the way.
5 – Not Offering Relevant Content
Another common mistake made by tourism companies is to think that the positioning in the online environment is restricted to the dissemination of offers and services.
Traditional advertising has lost space on the Internet. The best way to reach the traveler is by producing relevant content about travel.
The search for information can lead the potential customer to you in an organic way.
This is what we call content marketing. By offering tips and solving their questions about destinations and travel services, you get them to know your travel company and have a better chance of converting them into customers.
6 – Copy the Competition
To stand out among so many other companies offering the same service as you on the Internet, your tourism company needs to offer differentiators.
That is why it is a mistake to copy the competition. The other company’s strategy does not work for yours, precisely because of what we have already said about the importance of basing your actions on concrete data about your persona, market, and choice of operation.
Work on personalized digital marketing actions and reach more customers for your tourism business.
7 – Not Monitoring the Results Frequently
The tourism company that does not monitor the results of each digital marketing action put into practice is also making a mistake.
By not monitoring the results frequently, you can devote time and investment in strategies with no positive return. Therefore, metrics are important to ensure the success of digital marketing for tourism businesses.