Get more customers and improve your sales with proper promotion of your brand. Understand how to use tourism marketing to promote your business
Traveling is among the main desires of Brazilians. Whether to a regional destination or outside of Brazil, travel is among the consumption dreams of most of the population.
This is what the Survey on Brazilians’ Consumer Dreams, conducted by Croma, indicates. Both in the short and medium term, the desire to travel appears in the top positions of the list.
It is no wonder that tourism is an important sector of the economy. In 2019, it accounted for 8.1% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is the sum of all the wealth produced in the country.
With the isolation measures imposed to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, many people had to postpone this dream. However, with the resumption of activities, the tourists are coming back and this is the time to make your company be seen.
So how to promote your tourism business? The best way is to invest in tourism-oriented digital marketing. This is the most efficient way to consolidate your brand, position your business on the main online platforms, attract travelers to your company, and win customers.
But how to use tourism marketing to promote your business? This is a crucial question to define the direction of the actions to promote your service.
For this, you need to understand the importance of tourism marketing and what are the best strategies to apply to your company. You also need to understand your target audience and what is necessary to win them over.
But don’t worry, we are here to help you!
We have prepared this special post to explain how to use tourism marketing to promote your business.
Understand The Importance Of Tourism Marketing

Tourism marketing is the best strategy to leverage your business. Through techniques that unite the concepts of marketing and tourism, it makes the traveler come to you.
But what exactly is tourism marketing? It is a type of marketing focused on developing advertising campaigns that meet the interests and needs of travelers.
Beyond being a mere channel to advertise promotions and services, tourism marketing offers solutions, relevant content, and experiences.
In this way, it wins over travelers and converts them into potential customers. In other words, it makes you stand out from your competitors and get more sales.
Therefore, if you want your business to be seen and have a satisfactory economic result, you need to invest in tourism marketing.
Use The Best Tourism Marketing Strategies
To use the best tourism marketing strategies for your business you need to be aware of the behavior of your target audience.
Who do you intend to serve? What does this type of traveler look for? In which channels do they search for travel information? Where is it easiest to convert them into potential customers?
Based on this information, you can draw up a tourism marketing plan that will guide your actions on the main online platforms. Among the tourism marketing strategies, there are some that are fundamental to any business.
First, you need to be online to be found by the traveler. It is essential to have a website, with relevant content (blog) about the service you offer. In addition, have an online store to facilitate the purchase of the service by the customer.
Mark your presence on social networks, with publications tailored to each platform. Do not abandon e-mail marketing. Use texts, images, videos, podcasts, virtual tours. There is an infinite number of tools to promote your tourism business.
Cherish the relationship with potential customers and offer experiences, with the dissemination of reviews received from those who have already used your service. Analyze the results and keep your strategies always aligned with the market and the needs of your target audience.
Tourism is a very dynamic sector that is constantly expanding. Your company must be aware of all the trends in order to better meet the desires of travelers.
Count On Expert Help To Promote Your Tourism Business
When we talk about designing the best tourism marketing strategies to leverage your business, we also mean dedicating time to it.
Analyze the market, define the profile of the potential customer, prepare the promotional material, feed the online platforms, make the virtual attendance, and analyze the results.
These are some tasks related to tourism marketing that require a lot of time to be developed effectively. And the big question is: do you have the time and inclination to take care of all this and still service your tourism business?
Probably not. That is why it is very worthwhile to hire a specialized tourism marketing agency to help you in this mission.
Besides saving time and being able to focus on providing your service, you will have a team of experts who will know how to use tourism marketing to promote your business.
Example Of An Agency Specialized In Tourism Marketing
Travel Media PR is a great example of an agency specialized in tourism marketing that can bring excellent results for your business. It is a strategic intelligence agency for the travel and tourism industry that has extensive experience in building loyalty among destinations and companies in the sector.
With operations focused on tourism marketing strategies and communication consulting, Travel Media PR owns portals with a large volume of hits.
Among them, it is worth mentioning the Guia Viajar Melhor website, which is among the top results in searches for news related to tourism in Brazil.
Another successful example of Travel Media PR is the Flights & Trip portal. There, experts and experienced travelers share tips on the best places and services while promoting brands and destinations.
To help leverage your business, Travel Media PR offers content solutions, SEO campaigns, media management, Inbound Marketing proposals and consulting.